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    Kuu is a brand born from a family’s dedication to winter sports, with Ron Kuus taking an engineering degree and passion to provide world class snow/ski wax. Kuu is now a brand that is respected as some of the highest quality wax and is sold around the world. From high performance precision wax to all temperature grade wax, Kuu supply the lot. Torpedo7 stock several types of wax all year round so matter where you are heading Japan, Switzerland, North America or just the local hill, Torpedo7 and Kuu have you covered.

    Kuu design and create the absolute necessities for servicing and tuning your Ski or Snowboard equipment. Whether it be a pocket sharpener for the last minute edge fix or metal stomp studs, a huge range of temperature specific waxes or spare snowboard lases, Kuu has got your back.


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